Shortcode or HTML
W3 Social Login automatically adds the login buttons to the default WordPress login area. Of course, you can publish the login buttons anywhere where you want them. At each provider there is a Usage menu, where you can find the shortcode of the provider and example to include the login via a simple link.
For instance, at the Facebook provider, you can find these shortcodes:
[w3_social_login provider="facebook"]
[w3_social_login provider="facebook" style="icon"]
[w3_social_login provider="facebook" style="icon" redirect=""]
[w3_social_login trackerdata="source"]
Which you can include in your page or post, or using the do_shortcode function, anywhere in your theme. See the full list of parameters you can use.
PHP example
This code will display the Facebook login button when inserted into the theme’s PHP file:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[w3_social_login]'); ?>
At the Widgets, you can also find a W3 Social Login widget which you can place to any widget postion.
How can I publish the login buttons anywhere?